
Syringe Barrels

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What is Syringe Barrel?

The Syringe is composed of a syringe barrel, piston (pneumatic)/push rod (manual). The syringe barrel is smooth and delicate, and the matched piston/push rod can closely fit the inner wall of the rubber cylinder. It is made of high-precision inert material, with low friction, concave double knife design, and no liquid remaining in the cylinder. It can be used with a glue gun. There are models suitable for manual syringe guns and pneumatic syringe guns.

Material of Syringe Barrel:

Syringe barrels are the unsung heroes of precision dispensing, playing a crucial role in industries ranging from electronics to healthcare. These simple yet vital components are responsible for storing and dispensing adhesives, sealants, lubricants, and other fluids with unparalleled accuracy.

At the heart of every syringe barrel lies its material composition, a factor that significantly influences its performance and suitability for different applications. In this blog, we delve into the world of syringe barrel materials, exploring the properties, advantages, and disadvantages of the most commonly used materials.

Common Materials Used for Syringe Barrels

Syringe barrels are manufactured using a variety of materials, each selected for its unique properties and suitability for specific applications. The most common materials used for syringe barrels include:

Polypropylene (PP): PP is a widely used material for syringe barrels due to its excellent chemical resistance, durability, and affordability. It is compatible with a wide range of fluids and is often used in general-purpose dispensing applications.

Polyethylene (PE): PE is another popular choice for syringe barrels, known for its flexibility and chemical resistance. It is often used for dispensing fluids that are not compatible with PP.

Nylon: Nylon syringe barrels offer high strength and heat resistance, making them suitable for dispensing hot melts and other high-temperature fluids. Nylon barrels are also resistant to abrasion, making them ideal for dispensing abrasive fluids.

Fluoropolymers: Fluoropolymer syringe barrels, such as those made from PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), offer exceptional chemical resistance and are often used for dispensing highly aggressive fluids. They are also known for their non-stick properties, making them easy to clean.

Specialty Materials: In addition to the above, syringe barrels can be made from a variety of specialty materials, including acrylic, polycarbonate, and COC (cyclic olefin copolymer). These materials offer specific properties tailored to unique dispensing requirements.

Understanding the properties of each material is essential for selecting the right syringe barrel for your application. In the following sections, we will explore the properties of each material in more detail, helping you make informed decisions when choosing syringe barrels for your dispensing needs.

Properties of Each Material

Each material used for syringe barrels offers unique properties that determine its suitability for specific applications. Understanding these properties can help you choose the right syringe barrel for your dispensing needs. Here are some key properties of the most common syringe barrel materials:

Polypropylene (PP):

Chemical Resistance: PP is highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making it suitable for dispensing a variety of fluids.

Temperature Resistance: PP has good resistance to high temperatures, but it may soften at temperatures above its melting point.

Polyethylene (PE):

Flexibility: PE is more flexible than PP, making it suitable for applications where flexibility is important.

Chemical Resistance: PE offers good resistance to many chemicals, but it may not be suitable for dispensing certain solvents or strong acids.


Strength and Durability: Nylon syringe barrels are strong and durable, making them suitable for dispensing abrasive fluids.

Heat Resistance: Nylon has good heat resistance, making it suitable for dispensing hot melts and other high-temperature fluids.

Fluoropolymers (e.g., PTFE):

Chemical Resistance: Fluoropolymers offer exceptional chemical resistance, making them suitable for dispensing highly aggressive fluids.

Non-Stick Properties: Fluoropolymers are non-stick, making them easy to clean and ideal for use with viscous fluids.

Specialty Materials (e.g., Acrylic, Polycarbonate, COC):

Specific Properties: Specialty materials offer specific properties tailored to unique dispensing requirements, such as optical clarity or biocompatibility.

By understanding the properties of each material, you can select the right syringe barrel to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with your dispensing application.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Each material used for syringe barrels comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision when selecting a syringe barrel for your application. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of the most common syringe barrel materials:

Polypropylene (PP):

Advantages: Excellent chemical resistance, affordability, and good durability.

Disadvantages: Limited temperature resistance and may soften at high temperatures.

Polyethylene (PE):

Advantages: Flexibility, good chemical resistance, and affordability.

Disadvantages: May not be suitable for use with certain solvents or strong acids.


Advantages: High strength and durability, good heat resistance.

Disadvantages: May be more expensive than other materials, may absorb moisture.

Fluoropolymers (e.g., PTFE):

Advantages: Exceptional chemical resistance, non-stick properties.

Disadvantages: Higher cost compared to other materials, may require specialized cleaning procedures.

Specialty Materials (e.g., Acrylic, Polycarbonate, COC):

Advantages: Offer specific properties tailored to unique requirements.

Disadvantages: May be more expensive, limited availability compared to more common materials.

By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each material, you can choose the syringe barrel that best meets your application’s requirements for performance, durability, and compatibility with the fluids being dispensed.

Specialty Materials and Their Applications

In addition to the common materials used for syringe barrels, there are also specialty materials that offer unique properties for specific applications. These specialty materials are often chosen for their enhanced performance in demanding environments. Here are some examples of specialty materials and their applications:

Acrylic: Acrylic syringe barrels are known for their optical clarity, making them ideal for applications where visibility of the fluid is important, such as in medical devices or laboratory settings.

Polycarbonate: Polycarbonate syringe barrels offer excellent impact resistance and are often used in applications where durability is critical, such as in industrial settings or in environments where the syringe may be dropped or subjected to rough handling.

Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC): COC syringe barrels offer a combination of clarity, chemical resistance, and heat resistance, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and food packaging.

Other Specialty Materials: Other specialty materials, such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol), offer specific properties that make them suitable for niche applications where standard materials may not perform as well.

Choosing the right syringe barrel material for your application requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and operating conditions. By understanding the properties of specialty materials, you can select a syringe barrel that meets your performance needs and provides optimal results in your dispensing application.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

The choice of material for syringe barrels not only affects their performance but also has implications for the environment. As the world becomes increasingly focused on sustainability, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of the materials used in syringe barrels. Here are some key points to consider:

Recyclability: Some materials used for syringe barrels, such as polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), are widely recyclable. Choosing recyclable materials can help reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.

Biodegradability: While most syringe barrel materials are not biodegradable, there are efforts to develop biodegradable alternatives. These materials break down naturally over time, reducing their impact on the environment.

Energy Consumption: The production of certain materials, such as fluoropolymers, can be energy-intensive. Choosing materials that require less energy to produce can help reduce the carbon footprint of syringe barrel manufacturing.

Waste Reduction: Selecting materials that are durable and resistant to wear can help reduce the amount of waste generated from discarded syringe barrels. Additionally, choosing materials that can be easily cleaned and reused can further minimize waste.

Lifecycle Analysis: Conducting a lifecycle analysis of syringe barrel materials can help identify the environmental impacts of each material throughout its lifecycle, from production to disposal. This can help inform decisions about which materials are most sustainable.

By considering the environmental impact of syringe barrel materials, manufacturers and users can make more sustainable choices that help protect the planet for future generations.

Choosing the Right Material for Your Application

Selecting the right material for your syringe barrels is crucial to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with your dispensing application. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a material:

Chemical Compatibility: Consider the compatibility of the material with the fluids being dispensed. Some materials may be more resistant to certain chemicals than others.

Temperature Resistance: Determine the temperature range of your application and choose a material that can withstand the temperatures involved. For high-temperature applications, materials like nylon or fluoropolymers may be more suitable.

Viscosity: The viscosity of the fluid being dispensed can affect the choice of material. Materials like polypropylene or polyethylene are suitable for dispensing low-viscosity fluids, while materials like nylon or PTFE are better suited for high-viscosity fluids.

Durability: Consider the durability of the material, especially if the syringe barrel will be subjected to rough handling or abrasive fluids. Materials like nylon or polycarbonate offer high durability.

Cost: Evaluate the cost of the material, taking into account factors such as durability and performance. While some materials may be more expensive upfront, they may offer long-term cost savings due to their durability and compatibility.

Environmental Impact: If sustainability is a concern, consider the environmental impact of the material. Choose materials that are recyclable or biodegradable where possible.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select the right material for your syringe barrels to ensure reliable performance and optimal results in your dispensing application.

Applications of Syringe Barrel:

As a common injection tool, the glue applicator syringe can be adopted to complete various types of fluid infusion and injection applications. Generally, the existence of the outer end of the syringe scale is to help the operator better control the glue, and glue injection and other applications. Glue applicator syringes can improve the gluing efficiency and are suitable for fluid infusion or paint infusion. And disposable dispensing syringe can be used to meet the needs of different media glue.

Structure of Syringe:

The Syringe Barrel is the cylindrical part of a syringe used to hold the liquid to be injected or drawn out. The syringe barrel is usually made of glass or plastic. It is usually marked with a measured value, which allows operators to make sure they are giving the correct dose or pumping out enough fluid. Each syringe barrel has several parts: the plunger draws in the liquid and pushes the liquid out of the barrel; The hub is connected with the needle barrel, forming a funnel, liquid through the funnel into the syringe; The protective cap is placed over the syringe to keep it intact.

Why choose Btektech?

Btectech company is a professional glue applicator syringe manufacturer, with leading technology, good quality, honest and trustworthy advantages. According to the customer requirements, the production of a variety of media and standard gluer applicator syringes and syringe barrels can be carried out.